Workarounds and Known Issues

Issues on

See this issue for reference: click me.

Add-ons and Settings menus broken

See this forum thread for reference. One possible fix is to set to false the config widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled in about:config.

Add-ons not updating, both auto and manual

There is an update available for your add-on but it does not auto-update and does not find an available update when you check manually. No workaround as of 2024-08-21.

Blocking Autoplay in background tabs feature broken

Firefox has a specific config to block autoplay in background tabs and start it when in foreground, media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground. This is no longer working since Firedragon 11.17.4 and also not working in Floorp, but it is working in Firefox. No workaround as of 2024-08-21.