Building FireDragon

Building FireDragon yourself for already known targets is quite easy using our build system.

Obtaining it

First, clone the repository:

git clone
cd builder

Then, proceed by running one of the following commands. You will need a few commands available for this to succeed besides regular Firefox make dependencies, such as:

  • curl
  • git
  • make
  • rsync
  • tar
  • zstd

Currently implemented targets

Source archive

make source

This downloads the Floorp source (if required), applies all patches, copies additional source files and installs FireDragon settings. Output source archive: build/firedragon-vX.X.X-X.source.tar.zst.

Linux x86_64 archive

make linux-x86_64

This creates the source files for FireDragon (if required) and builds it for linux x86_64 architecture. Output linux x86_64 archive: build/firedragon-vX.X.X-X.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2.

AppImage x86_64

make appimage-x86_64

This uses the Linux x86_64 archive (building it if required) to create the FireDragon AppImage for x86_64 architecture. Output AppImage x86_64: build/firedragon-vX.X.X-X.appimage-x86_64.AppImage.

Further targets

If you wish to make FireDragon available for another distribution or target, absolutely feel free to. We are happy for every help πŸ˜„